Feel better the natural way!
You are living your best life when your mind and body are balanced and healthy. That's why we take a holistic approach to preventing and reversing disease.
Our goal is to provide alternative care with Hyperbaric oxygen therapy that will support and promote the body to heal itself. Also prevent disease using the fundamental healing principles of the body.
We care about your overall well-being and will provide you with the guidance, knowledge, and tools needed to be healthy. We are fully equipped with a Hyperbaric oxygen chamber, Pulsed electromagnetic frequency bed and infrared sauna. We also offer extensive knowledge of nutrition and supplements. Let us help you achieve optimal wellness!
Traditional Healer
Emma offers experience in Alternative and Complimentary treatments and advice. Using the body's own tools to heal naturally with the correct nutrition, energy and oxygen flowing through our bodies, they will perform optimally. I offer bioenergy as a Rieki Master with Rieki and Seichem. Also the use of PEMF (Pulsed electromagnetic frequency) and a Hyperbaric oxygen chamber. With a few simple lifestyle changes our lives can be healthier and we can live a more fulfilling life.
Everything is energy. The earth emits a pulsing electromagnetic field at 7.8 hertz, combined with 40-50 flashes of lightning every second globally. This allows our planet to sustain life. Much like Earth, our bodies are electromagnetic our brains use electromagnetic signals to communicate with every part of our body.
Chronic disease and loss of well-being are defined by a low electrical charge. With enough voltage of raw materials, the body can heal almost anything.
The cells in the body run at 20-25 millivolts in order to heal we must hit 50 millivolts.
If the cells voltage drops below 20mv the body is then unable to heal, the cells become dysfunctional.
Dr Otto Warburg won a Nobel prize in 1931 for proving that unhealthy cells (cancer) cannot survive in an alkaline and
oxygen-rich environment.
I look forward to hearing from you, and I'm more than happy to help.
Pulsed electromagnetic Frequency is a magnetic bed. Nikola Tesla in the 1880s understood the body's vibrational properties and physical vibrations could be used as medicine to heal and be gentle on the body.
To create the electromagnetic pulses for PEMF therapy, an electrical current is passed through a metal coil, which generates a magnetic field.
A single treatment takes just 25 minutes whilst laying on the bed. Our body's cells have an electrical charge, emit a magnetic field, and are influenced by pulses of energy. When a magnetic field passes over the body it changes you at a basic cellular level. Every cell contains mitochondria which generate energy in the body. The mitochondria need nutrients to perform their task, which gives the body energy and eliminates waste. The healthier your mitochondria the healthier your tissues and your whole body.
PEMF therapy provides a boost of energy to your cells. There is a wide range of use for this therapy improving the healing process after illness and surgery and because it's extremely effective at reducing inflammation and treating pain it's an excellent complimentary therapy. Reducing the side effects of chemo and radiation. Joint issues, chronic diseases, stomach problems, skin issues, Parkinson's', immune deficiency, Depression, Alzheimer's disease, Neurological problems and studies show for treating infections and long Covid symptoms and asthma.
Energy is a theme that permeates complementary health care. Through years of research, it's now considered fascinating and clinically significant. It is certain that there is an energy field around the body. We understand the roles of energy fields in health and disease. The change in understanding this comes from the frequency given out on a practitioner's hands this is measured by a machine called a superconducting quantum interference device. All tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations which are known as biomagnetic fields. The Hands of a practitioner have a frequency of pulsations sweeps up and down at 0.3 hertz to 30 hertz cycles a second with most activity in the range of 7-8 hz. The frequency is the same range as brain waves and scientific studies show the frequencies for healing with the sweep back and forth stimulate healing in any part of the body.
Energy healing is very good for reducing the side effects from radiation and chemo, depression, stomach ailments, asthma and many more conditions, as it is very gentle on the body, and encourages the body's own healing capabilities.
Our bodies need oxygen to function when we breathe it's taken into our lungs and transported to red blood cells to the rest of our bodies. It's then used to produce energy and sustain life. Research shows exposure to pure oxygen at higher levels can treat serious conditions and chronic wounds. Hyperbaric medicine was first used in the 1600s and used in the 20th century to treat flu, and in the 1940s to treat Navy deep sea divers from decompression sickness. A Hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a pressurized tube that provides pure oxygen in air pressure levels up to three times higher than average. It is used all over the world and in medical settings to treat and heal patients more quickly.
It is used to speed up recovery after an illness, the increased oxygen is then able to control infections and reduce inflammation and swelling, and stimulate new blood vessels. A hyperbaric oxygen chamber (Hbot) is currently being used to treat long Covid symptoms.
Neurological problems, help reduce the side effects from chemotherapy and radiation, Sporting injuries, chronic wounds, neurodegenerative diseases
Infrared sauna benefits include stress relief, relaxation and muscle and joint pain relief as it can decrease inflammation in the body. Aiding in weight loss and detoxification, smooth skin caused by cellulite.
The waves from the infrared cause fat cells in the body to vibrate facilitating the release of heavy metals and toxins which are then expelled through the skin, kidneys and other organs. you will feel rejuvenated and increased energy levels, improved mental clarity and stronger immunity.
Ultraviolet light therapy penetrates the cells. Increasing the vitamin D3 levels. Five to six minutes under the lamp is equivalent to eight hours of tropical sun exposure.
Studies show the use of UVB therapy can help heal certain cancers and boost mental clarity.
Rife Machine. DR Raymond Rife worked on a frequency to kill cancer cells. Rifes machines were built on the work of Dr Abrams. Every disease has its electromagnetic frequency. The machine sends a low electromagnetic frequency which is called radionics. The elements in the body give off electrical impulses with different frequencies, bacteria and viruses hold different frequencies to each other the machine has different settings which hold the frequency output to certain diseases which is being treated
The biosensor is a sensitive tool to detect what the body needs to help with healing similar to a pendulum and dowsing rod. The Biosensor testing method is similar to Kinesiology.
This can test the body alongside the herbal test kits and supplement test kits, to see what the body needs.
Quantum Energy Healing
Is Energy medicine using a life force of a higher level of Energy Energy is like waves unseen to the naked eye, similar to radiowaves. It can be seen using Kirlian photography . The waves described in physics where two vibrating objects vibrate at different speeds start to vibrate at the same speed. The energy is transferred between two objects, this shows in neurology biology the high force of energy from the practitioner flows into the pain inflammation and disease, which amplifies the body's healing abilities.
As a practitioner, I can feel where the pain and inflammation is in the body directing the energy flow to that area in the body, starting the healing process.
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